华夏文明 祥瑞一脉——古郡临城
2011-05-14 22:01




    邢瓷最早出现于公元575年,北齐至隋是邢瓷的发展前期,唐代邢窑处于成熟时期,在邢台的临城县和内丘县一带形成南北约30公里长的邢瓷窑区,窑群相接,浓烟蔓延,延续了六百年,供大唐帝国及附属国享用。在邢瓷获得“北白”美誉名扬四海的同时,邢窑的烧制却严重的破坏了森林植被的生态系统。到了南宋后期, 河流域一遇暴雨,便洪峰咆哮,直冲城池,已成水患。明代隆庆三年(公元1570年)始筑护城石堤,以抵御 水的洪害。明万历年间,临城的水患更甚,明朝政府从万历十五年起接连派三任知县修堤防洪。至万历二十五年,方修成长800米的巨星青石堤。时任知县程鹏抟大松一口气,便于万历二十六年(公元1598年)建息波亭纪念。然而,当程鹏抟刚修成石堤,却又感叹 河已无波澜—临城遭遇了持续数年的旱灾。古人的感叹,也为后人留下了一段环境与发展的史训。

    The interest of the origins of kiosks at the earliest porcelain appeared in the year 575 years, the Northern Qi dynasty porcelain of the Criminal Sui to the early development of the Tang dynasty kilns at a mature period in the provisional Xingtai city and county and prefecture, a rise of 30 km north and south formed long sentences porcelain ware, porcelain ware interfacing group, smoke spread and extend the 600 years, for the Tang emperor dependency and enjoy. "In the north of porcelain was known as" white sea known 4 at the same time, the burning kilns Limited is a serious breach of the forest vegetation in ecological system. Late in the Southern Song dynasty, when the river basin heavy rains and floods have shouted, have been washed city, has become a serious flooding. The Ming dynasty, Ching 3 years (year 1570) started building care city stone walls to withstand islet water flooding. The 10,000 calendar year, the Provisional city of what is more serious flooding, the Government from the Ming dynasty 10,000 15 calendar year to a series of three Training magistrate dikes. to 10,000 after 25 years in order to cultivate growth 800m star green stone walls. At the County Magistrate Cheng Peng great relief for 10,000 26 calendar year (year 1598) built memorial pavilion interest wave. However, when cheng peng steel Xiucheng stone walls, but also lamented the river has been no fluctuations, the Provisional City experienced for several years of drought. The ancient sigh, but also to people who left the environment and development of history.

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